Travel Information

Land Environment
Country Currency Safety
Mexico Pesos Organized crime,
Banditos, Driving at Night
U. S. U.S. Dollars Violent crime, theft.
Costa Rica Colones Theft, use caution at
night, driving hazards.
Barbados Barbadian
Safe, but getting more
Caution at night.
Driving hazards.
Puerto Rico U.S. Dollars Violent crime, theft.

Surf Information

Ocean Environment
Place Wetsuit Wave Size
Baja Full, Booties, Trunks waist high to
California Spring, Full,
waist high to
Florida Trunks, Spring,
waist high to
Costa Rica Trunks waist high to
double overhead
Barbados Trunks, Top waist high to
double overhead
Trunks, Top waist high to
triple overhead
Puerto Rico Trunks waist high to

North America

North America is a great option for a surf trip as there is a lot of surf. Canada, Mexico, and the United States all have wave-rich areas.

Right at Middle Trestles

Surfing has become more popular in Canada in recent years. Vancouver Island is a very wave-rich location, but the east coast of Canada also gets great surf. Both areas have hard-core locals willing to brave the cold and often rough waters for excellent surf.

Mexico has long been a travel destination for surfers from the U.S. and has gained popularity as a destination for surfers from around the globe. Mexico also has a lot of very talented local surfers around the country. It has a very long coastline on the west coast including the Baja California peninsula. Almost the entire west coast has ride-able surf, much of it excellent.

Not including Alaska, the mainland United States of America has three coasts with surf: the west coast, the east coast, and the gulf coast. Each coast has plenty of surfers.

The gulf coast is the least consistent, but can get perfect surf. Hurricanes and other storms can generate enough wind to push waves to the gulf coast which often translates this into very well-formed waves. Unfortunately, these swells are short-lived.

The east coast gets surf as well. Hurricanes, nor’easters, and other storms can generate waves on the east coast. Some locations translate these storms into perfect makeable barrels. The surf on the east coast is also inconsistent. Sometimes there are month long flat spells.

The west coast has the most consistent surf and can be divided into a few different regions: the Pacific Northwest, Northern California, Central California, and Southern California. Each of these areas are very distinct from one another. One thing they share is a plethora of surf spots.

